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No, Is the Subject Area "Phylogenetic analysis" applicable to this article? Examples of Linguistic Diversity In terms of variety of languages, there are many examples of linguistic diversity around the world. The analysis of geographic diffusion in geolinguistics incorporated multiple characteristics of variationist sociolinguistics [35,36] as well as environmental factors in the diffusion of features (cf. The interviewer asked Susan three times if this was really an example of flirting. [14,53,54]), the plausibility of particular reconstruction hypotheses significantly increased or decreased. We also added a flat topology, agnostic to any internal structure of Andic languages, that will be used as a baseline for comparison in the following sections. Fig 5). . Lexicon-based classifications of Andic have been only recently suggested, including those based on Swadesh lists by Koryakov in [66] and Filatov & Daniel in [61], and on a wider selection of lexicon by Mudrak in [63]. In the modern world, language change is often socially problematic. Last edited on 15 February 2023, at 11:18, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, An example of divergence would be the time I moved from the state of Kansas to the Lone Star State of Texas. Tree tips represent villages rather than languages, and branch lengths are a meaningful measure of the phylogenetic distance between languages. 4.2 Social settings favouring linguistic elaboration of group-membership distinctions. While some analyses of between-group factors highlight the role of geographical isolation and reduced linguistic exchange in differentiation, others suggest that linguistic divergence is driven . Second language learners' divergence from target language pragmatic norms 251 However, research in interlanguage pragmatics has shown that, even if . Historical scenarios, including Nichols scenarios for Andic, remain, to our eyes, speculative, but may provide a tangible basis for further modeling of geographic distributions of languages. It uses its own similarity measurements, such as aggregated phonetic differences, and relies on other types of representation adapted to reflect continuous variation, such as heatmaps and multidimensional scaling. The result is shown in Fig 8, where 1,000 random permutations were performed. Although both of these women use the wordflirting, their examples make it clear that their meanings for this term are radically different. It includes some lects that are conventionally considered the same language, and are indeed linguistically close in lexicon-based phylogenies besides being also close neighbors in terms of geography. Divergence is a linguistic strategy whereby a member of a speech community accentuates the linguistic differences between themself and their interlocutor. Vocabulary ~Words used to describe new experiences, ideas, and feelings. In order to test for significance, we define a statistic as how often, out of the 1,000 permutations, a permuted (i.e. Example based Knowledge is extracted from a corpus. The same is true for Mudrak [63]. Dashed lines represent the mean of the distribution, andfull red lines represent the observed value for the phylogeny, as red bars in Fig 6. What Does Convergence Mean In Literature? The goal of the present analytical essay is to move the theory of language convergence/meaning divergence (LC/MD) into the intercultural communication realm. As an outlook of the study, we suggest that lexicon-based models may be refined with priors accounting for the competing views on the dynamics of language spread, thus yielding models with the same linguistic module but different historical priors. Language convergence is a type of linguistic change in which languages come to resemble one another structurally as a result of prolonged language contact and mutual interference, regardless of whether those languages belong to the same language family, i.e. We can conclude that the samples we are using are representative in terms of geographic sampling. The theory emerged during a study attempting to identify the difference between how people define flirting and sexual harassment. A paradigmatic case is Malcolm Guthries classification of Bantu languages, one of the very few explicitly based on a geographic partition of the area inhabited by the speakers of these languages. Detailed information about the dataset is available at the GitHub page of the project (see the Data Availability Statement for the link). Red bars use node-wise distances and are available for all phylogenies. One example of this older diversification may be found in Island Melanesia. Meaning, on the other hand, constitutes the underlying definition of a given word. Dialectometry deals with rather continuous linguistic landscapes where the change may spread in waves and for which it is possible to expect a cumulative increase of linguistic differences as a function of distance. We asked them for their definitions of each term and for examples of each that they had either seen or experienced. andi1254 in Glottolog [70]). Yes Although the author called this an essentially tentative classification [22: 5], it has had a great impact on comparative research into these languages, to the extent that it is used as part of Bantu languages naming system to our days, in certain contexts. Linguistic Divergence of Sinhala and Tamil Languages in Machine Translation. Since lexicon-based phylogenies assumedly cannot include a geographic bias and are based solely on lexical retentions and innovations of basic vocabulary, which is usually considered a more reliable tool at this time depth, they can be taken as a gold standard (see [41:2] on the time depth of various reconstruction tools). This conclusion was based on their incoherent and indiscriminate admixture of variable data. What is linguistic convergence and divergence? The values for this, after 1,000 permutations, are: 0 for Alekseev, 0.001 for Mudrak, 0.004 for Gudava, 0.05 for Filatov & Daniel, 0.056 for Schulze, and 0.064 for Koryakov. The W statistic gives an estimate for the degree of congruence of the matrices on a scale between 0 (null hypothesis, no congruence) and 1 (complete congruence) [68]. Schulzes [67] classification has the higher correlation, closely followed by Alekseev in [65]. Linguistic Divergence: The division of a language into dialects and then into new languages due to lack of interaction between speakers. Methodology, Another possible way for dealing with this bias would be to generate a larger tree, where we include all 77 villages, placing all the villages with the same language in the same place of the phylogenetic tree (imputed tree). In other classifications, both Akhvakh and Andi appear as outliers (even if in different orders, depending on classification; cf. Similarly, the "Sepik-Ramu phylum" has been proposed for the languages in the Sepik Ramu basin in Papua-New Guinea [26]. The other four are: layering, specialisation, persistence, and de-categorialisation . As developments in traditional comparative linguistics allowed to link the spread of lexical items to the spread of cultural features (e.g. The origins of linguistic diversity remain controversial. We did so by subsampling the same village lects as used by Koryakov (Rikvani for Andi, Kvanada for Bagvalal, Karata for Karata), or substituting them with presumably closest matches in cases where Filatov and Daniel did not have data from the same village (matching Tad-Magitl and Lologonitl for the Akhvakh language; Nizhnie Gakvari and Agvali for the Chamalal language); this also excluded the divergent lects. An example would be walking into the break room at work where two other coworkers are discussing a birthday celebration for the boss, the person who walked in would evaluate what they are talking about and determine how to proceed. gence et une divergence dans la reaction du lecteur ont pu etre produites par des facteurs particuliers rattach6s au lecteur et au texte. For comparison, we also provide correlations obtained for patristic distances. We calculated two types of distances: i) great circle distances (GCD), i.e. I expect it is. However, the extra-linguistic nature of these data does not allow to directly link them to linguistic evidence (cf. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. In the case of Filatov & Daniels lexicon-based phylogeny [61], patristic distances for eight villages (green bar) perform as good as node-wise distances (red bar), and as Koryakovs and Mudraks phylogenies. We also specifically asked them what distinguishes flirting from sexual harassment. Radiocarbon dating for Island Melanesia has demonstrated Pleistocene occupation more than 35,000 years ago (6, 7) ().Evidence suggests high levels of inter- and intrapopulational genetic variation (8, 9), with no simple relationship with linguistic patterns.The languages spoken in the area are of two groups: (i) over . To understand the findings of our study, it is first necessary to understand the difference between language and meaning. Language is quite simply the words that we use. The form of a lexical item may undergo different changes from its grammaticalised counterpart. Given that village varieties of the same Andic language may be strongly divergent, the two lexicon-based phylogenies may be considered by and large independent. Tree tips represent languages, and branch lengths are all plotted equally. And even in the case of Schulzes phylogeny, the difference is not significant. The divergence process is further complicated by cultural spreads of languages that are not associated with physical movement of the populations, but happen via assimilation. However, the trees that are based on qualitative (and not always explicit) criteria, such as Alekseev and Schulzes trees [65,67], show a higher correlation with the geography than those generated using lexically oriented phylogenetic methods based on common innovations. The difference between the blue bar (the original six villages for which Koryakov used lexical data) and the green bar (with the position of two additional languages imputed) is all but non-existent. It may not seem like the most profound example of creativity, but it does the trick. Later, they are surprised by the other person's interpretation of the interaction. In practice, the geographic bias in phylogenies may arise from implicitly giving preference to those features that fit the geographic distribution (used as a sort of prior in this case), while downplaying the features that are independent from geographic adjacency and language contact. Writing review & editing. .. More generally, a less-than-perfect match between linguistic and geographic distances may have a more meaningful underlying cause than a simple bias of classification. We consider 77 villages, in which 8 languages that compose the Andic branch of the East Caucasian language family are spoken. Ukrainians often know Russian, but Russians don't often know Ukrainian. This chapter offers an overview of the most salient current frameworks for analysing processes of convergence and divergence cross-dialectally (including those which occur between standard languages and related dialects) at the grammatical level. When a lexical form undergoes grammaticalization to a clitic or affix, the original form may remain as an autonomous lexical element and undergo the same changes as ordinary lexical items. (Hopper 1991: 22) A possible formal distinction between divergence and split would be that the latter seems to be confined to cases where one and the same source has several targets, whereas the former merely refers to the drifting apart of previously more similar items. Formal analysis, Extensive amounts of data from these three sources have been thoroughly analyzed for the languages (and population groups) of Europe, and impressive results regarding the co-evolution of genes and languages have been obtained (see [810] for genetics, [11] for archaeology). Supervision, This was implemented, but the differences among topologies became practically imperceptible because of the amount of shared assumptions about the internal topology of dialects for each language. Despite the fact that . In a sense, this is not a phylogeny but grouping of varieties into languages. For each tree, eight villages are included (compare with Fig 3). For example, people in films may adjust their speech and diction to match the language other characters are using or journalists may comment on the use and perception of an accent. All phylogenies except Schulzes show mean values that are relatively close to the observed values. That fits the definition of divergent thinking quite well. the shortest way between villages over a spherical surface, and ii) travel cost distances, which take into account the landscape, a potentially important factor in language divergence in highland Daghestan. For exampl. [1] His data include both his own fieldwork and previous descriptions [76,77] as well as unpublished fieldnotes (e.g. What do you call that? Fish's social model (1980) is similar to They discuss that convergence can be observed when bilinguals view a linguistic item as equivalent in form and function. As to the varieties included in his study, for some languages he does not provide an explicit indication of the dialect or village the data come from. The present study focuses on the linguistic convergence and divergence of a vernacular language to the standard language, that is, how vernacular language forms move closer to the standard forms, and how vernacular language forms move further away from the standard forms. Generally, explanations of communication suggest that if we improve the clarity or precision of our communication, we will better understand each other. In order to make it possible to meaningfully compare the phylogenies, we had to reduce the number of lects in Filatov and Daniels tree so as to match the other trees. In a re-examination by Bowern [25], the evidence for both hypotheses was shown to be inconclusive, suggesting that linguistic data are insufficient. In a slightly different perspective, we can look, for specific phylogenies, at the position of the observed value of Kendalls W with respect to the median of the distribution. I said, 'No.' In its turn, apparently, it could not but entail a certain degree of areal bias in the selection of some of the classificatory features. We were not so much interested in thelegal definitions, as we were interested in the practical definitions people use to distinguish between the two concepts. Given the notable divergence between the language and culture of the school and the languages and cultures of a growing number of its pupils - the divide between schools and families -we would like to reflect on some educational strategies to bridge this gap. LC/MD emphasizes an important misconception that is common in our understanding of communication. incorporating an assessment of probabilities of certain paths of semantic evolution [6] or systematic comparison of syntactic features [7]. A range of studies in geolinguistics focus specifically on the features that do not map well to geographic distributions in an attempt to understand the relations between geographic and linguistic divergence of language varieties (cf. Testing this, however, is beyond the scope of this study. Divergence names a state of affairs subsequent to some change, namely the result of the process called "split" by Heine and Reh. Yes Linguistic convergence: when people who speak different languages interact harmoniously and their languages merge into one. It is noteworthy that this classification corresponds to the different geographic sub-zones where the Andic languages are spoken, including the Botlikh district, the Akhvakh district and the Tsumada district. For all the 20 village varieties (blue bar), instead, the correlation is much higher than for most other phylogenies, only slightly lower than Schulzes. Notably, the classifications based on lexical divergence tend to show higher values (weaker significance) while those based on qualitative considerations tend to show lower values (stronger significance). Susan: You know, the men were always just making inappropriate comments to the girls. Linguistic diversity is sometimes measured using a language . Last Tuesday she saw an accountant, an old friend from school, a woman who works for the council as a cleaner, and a local schoolteacher. The language of Greek and Romani. divergence) can be either unconscious and automatic or conscious, and also they remind us that, "CAT seeks to 4.1 Mechanisms for generating diverse structures. For all phylogenies suggested in the literature on Andic, we find that the correlation with geographic distances is above random, indicating that geographic distance is, in this case, a viable predictor of linguistic differentiation. Red bars consider nodewise normalized phylogenies, for 8 villages. Filatov and Daniels tree also includes some highly divergent lects, such as Gigatli for the Chamalal language and Anchik and especially Tukita for the Karata language; their impact on a comparison with a phylogeny that does not include them is hard to predict. He goes, 'Well do you want some?' [50]). Writing original draft, The divergences could be pertained to linguistic, social, cultural (Vermeer, 1987 & Goodenough, 1964), religious and other knowledge paradigms as translating a given language text encapsulates . This research essentially focuses on large-scale genealogical relations between languages, such as topologies of whole linguistic families (at this scale of comparison, a family the size of Dravidian may be considered a small genealogical unit, cf. We are grateful to Yuri Koryakov, Timur Maisak, Samira Verhees and Konstantin Filatov for sharing their data and analyses with us. 4.1.2 Doppel avoidance. The sources of qualitative classifications do not indicate the specific villages whose lects they classify (cf. kind of thing.. As we discussed, the flatter the topology is, the closer is the correlation to W = 0.5. Second, some village varieties of what is traditionally considered one language may be highly divergent from its other varieties, arguably constituting separate languages (this applies to the Chamalal spoken in Gigatli; the Karata spoken in Tukita; Lower Andi dialects as compared to Upper Andi dialects; and South Akhvakh dialects as compared to North Akhvakh dialects). e0265460. Landscape data come from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM [83]). As we suggested in Section 3, this is due to the fact that this classification includes many more locations with close varieties, conventionally considered the same language, which strongly boosts the correlation between this phylogeny and geographic distances. In particular, we test how quantitative and qualitative phylogenies are compared in this respect. Conceptualization, The Turkish language is Gostivar. Oh, right, basketball. For the sake of comparability, let us only consider the values shown as red bars. PLoS ONE 17(5): For the sake of comparison, a flat topology was added, where all languages are equally related (Fig 5g). For example, the study participants all used the wordflirting, but with different meanings. Fig 2). This isn't because of linguistics but because of politics and history . Writing original draft, So how do people respond when they use a shared language with different meanings? (A) "Pure vergence" response, containing no significant conjugate components. One of the first models explaining geographic distribution of linguistic features was Trudgills [30] Gravity Theory (cf. We calculated the distances as the number of nodes between the location of two languages in a tree for all phylogenies including [61,6467], as shown in Fig 5; but also the original patristic distances in case of Mudraks [63], Koryakovs [66] and Filatov & Daniels [61] as shown on Fig 3, and the 8-languages patristic distances for the same trees, Fig 4, for comparison. In the case of Andic, the phylogenies that are presumably more immune to geography (quantitative, based on lexical data controlled for borrowings), are less correlated with geography than the phylogenies based on structural similarities or other, sometimes implicit, considerations. We discovered that people use the same words but with different meanings. First, it has been suggested that Andic languages as a whole may in fact represent a continuum without clearcut language boundaries (cf. Notably, qualitative classifications show a better fit with geography than cognacy-based phylogenies. Dashed lines represent the mean of the distribution (W = 0.5 in all cases), andfull red lines represent the observed value for the phylogeny, as red bars in Fig 6. How strong the correlation between geography and language divergence is expected to be is rarely asked, with a major proportion of research focusing on explaining linguistic diversity (or lack thereof) across various geographic areas and landscapes (cf. Ang klasikong halimbawa ng 'linguistic sex differentiation' ay nagmula sa West Indies. Linguistic divergence in Fort Chipewyan1 EUNG-DO COOK Department of Linguistics The University of Calgary ABSTRACT Scollon and Scollon (i979) claimed that the consonantal system of . In an online manuscript, Schulze [67] (Fig 2c) suggests the most sophisticated qualitative tree of all, splitting off first Andi, then Akhvakh, then Karata, and then dividing the rest into four groups, including three separate groups for Botlikh, Godoberi, and Chamalal, and Tindi and Bagvalal together in the fourth one. Linguistic Convergence Laboratory, HSE University, Moscow, Russia, The fact that I changed the way I did things while being accepted by others. Our analysis was intended to investigate how the classifications of the Andic languages discussed in Section 2 correlate with geographic distances. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Fig 1 presents our region of interest. We also observe that the classifications based on considerations other than lexical comparison [64,65,67] show a better fit with the geography than classifications based on cognacy of Swadesh list items [66,61]. Concepts and Praxis in Communication Video Series, Praxis: Communication in Communities of Practice. Evans [23] proposed a Macro-Pama-Nyungan family tree, although each node was defined by a single shared innovation. . This example illustrates a new theory of communication called language convergence/meaning divergence. The phylogenetic trees used for calculating phylogenetic distances are based on [61,6367], as discussed in Section 2. This study suggests that not only do we need to provide clear language, but we also need to check underlying meanings in order to increase the odds that similar understanding will occur. crops or ceramics) and human groups (cf. More generally, a certain level of correlation may be innate to the topology of the tree. Linguistic divergence usually happens in parallel to population splits. Including more geographically and linguistically close varieties may obviously boost the correlation between phylogenetics and geography (cf. In order to make the comparison between qualitative and quantitative trees possible, we need to treat quantitative phylogenies as qualitative ones; in other words, to consider the branch lengths in the phylogenies in Fig 4 not meaningful. Comparisons between linguistic and geographic distances with the Congruence Among Distance Matrices (CADM) algorithm [68,69] were performed using the vegan library [86] for R. A significance check was performed by recalculating these correlations after randomly shuffling the languages in each phylogeny (see Results). In Section 4, we describe our results. Calculations using travel cost distances are reported in S10-S12 Figs in S1 Data. No, Is the Subject Area "Phylogenetics" applicable to this article? Conceptualization, In [65] (Fig 2b), Alekseev suggests three branchesAndi-Botlikh-Godoberi, Karata-Akhvakh, and Bagvalal-Tindi-Chamalalon the basis of what he calls his observations [65:3]. [4952]). From Linguistic Divergence to Linguistic. An example of speech divergence is given in Holmes (1992: 257): A number of people who were learning Welsh were asked to help with a survey. She said, "Yeah. Is the Subject Area "Language" applicable to this article? This spread uphill may lead to configurations such as the one that she calls Burushaski distribution, with an older (in the sense of a longer stay in situ) language cut into discontinuous mountainous areas by a later spread of language into a valley between. Funding: The article was prepared within the framework of the HSE University Basic Research Program (National Research University Higher School of Economics). In this study, our aim was to investigate the correlation between linguistic divergence and geographic distances. Didn't she mean it was sexual harassment? In this sense again, the phylogenies based on lexical divergence, the most conventional way of calculating linguistic divergence, perform the worst, although still hovering around the threshold of the standard 0.05 significance level. Linguistic accommodation can often be seen in modern media. Studies disagree on whether group features such as population size or social structure accelerate or decelerate linguistic differentiation. Further attempts to build a coherent classification based on basic lexicon have led to negative results in Wichmann [28: 318], and the original author of this classification, while citing some scattered morphological evidence in support of this claim, admitted that lexical cognates are all but non-existent [29: 204]. Um, you know and there was an incident where we were all out at a, it wasn't at work but it was a work function, work sponsored it kind of thing. The only qualitative phylogeny that performs worse than these three is Gudavas quasi-flat topology, whose low correlation directly follows from the almost complete absence of structure in his tree. In many other cases one can suspect that the maineven if implicitreason behind conducting a comparison of phyla or languages is geographic adjacency. Othering is problematic because instead of trying to understand the other person so we can solve a problem or resolve a conflict, we assume that the other personisthe problem. Finally, advances in computational modeling opened new perspectives for phylogenetic research in linguistics (cf. From the analysis above, we can clearly see that most phylogenies proposed for the Andic languages correlate with geographic distances better than chance (Fig 7). [1] Principal concerns of historical linguistics include: [2] to describe and account for observed changes in particular languages. 7 out of 1,000) for Schulze, 0.026 for Mudrak, 0.046for Gudava, 0.088 for Koryakov, and as high as 0.116 for Filatov & Daniel. ~Reflects where a culture has been, what a culture values, and even how people in a culture think, describe, and experience things. Writing review & editing, Affiliations We conclude that approaches to classification other than those based on cognacy run a risk to implicitly include geography and geography-related factors as one basis of genealogical classifications. Writing review & editing, Affiliation No, Is the Subject Area "Permutation" applicable to this article?, Editor: Sren Wichmann, Leiden University, GERMANY, Received: February 16, 2021; Accepted: March 2, 2022; Published: May 26, 2022. [75:272], repeated in [65]). Another issue with comparability of phylogenies is that, unlike the qualitative trees shown in Fig 2, the branch lengths of the trees on Fig 3 and Fig 4 are meaningful, proportional to the linguistic and/or chronological separation between lects. We conclude by saying that the observed distributions of languagesand therefore the actual geographic distances between themare a consequence of complex historical processes such as human migrations and language shift, for which the models we use in this study do not account. The other four are: layering, specialisation, persistence, and de-categorialisation. [16: 2325], [14:3930]). The conventional set of language-internal tools used for phylogenetic reconstruction in historical linguistics includes the analysis of regular sound changes in basic lexicon, comparison of cognate retention and innovation, and comparative morphology and phonology.

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linguistic divergence examples

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