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Passion for Paws, LLC 437 S. Junction Rd Madison, WI 53719 Phone: (608) 826-3700 Email: vetoffice@pawsmadison.com Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Animal Nut is a way for me to write about my passion, and provide you with, hopefully, useful information. If youre looking for a Shih Tzu pup, you can find one in there. Brox Acres House of Fur 3. Shih Tzus are truly a joy to have as a pet and they are sure to bring a smile to your face every day. Thank you! For breeder-related information, you can schedule an appointment with Preppy Pups. Shih Tzus relish constant attention, and they wont go ignored for too long. Find Shih Tzu Puppies for Sale in Milwaukee, Wisconsin WILLOW HILLS LIL TREASURES - https://www.weebly.com/editor/main.php#/ Please create a password to set up your PuppySpot account. We are a reputable dog breeder thats dedicated to helping people find the perfect puppy for their homes. Their affectionate nature and loyalty make them a beloved companion that you will cherish for years to come. Deck the halls and get a puppy! 30 were here. Here, you can find purebred and designer puppies. If you're interested in a puppy from Shih Tzu Babies, please apply. As a result, all reputable Shih Tzu breeders will only breed dogs that are healthy, and they will also care a lot about the general health and living environment of their dogs. Are you a resident of Wisconsin, and youre planning to get a Shih Tzu puppy? Other popular breeds include Huskies, Beagles, and Retrievers. A good breeder would want to see where the Shih Tzu will spend its days. St. Patrick's Day made pawsome with a new puppy. I picked my little girl up Dec 14, 2018 and fell madly in love. It's time to hang the big Christmas socks and stock up on hot cocoa and wine. All Ma, Paws & Me Pet Rescue dogs are in homes with foster families; we do not, This little stud muffin showed up here as a stray and we are shocked no one came for him. Our Shih Tzus are exposed regularly to a family of five girls who love puppies and giving them cuddles. Many good Shih Tzu breeders will give their dogs a genetic screening that covers genetic diseases to make sure that they are healthy before breeding them. Click here to log in, Don't have an account? Our breeding dogs are carefully selected for their outstanding bloodlines and excellent health, and we follow strict breeding protocols to ensure the health and well-being of both the parents and puppies. Between these two leading studies, Wisconsin ranks right around the middle of the pack, with strengths and weaknesses for its puppy population. Their affectionate nature and devotion to their owners have granted them a special status in the eyes of dog lovers for countless generations. Read more Milwaukee County, Union Grove, WI Details / Contact 1 of 2 23-02-08-00461 Shih Tzu mix Meet Moira Rose! To ensure that her dogs are as healthy as possible, every one of her dogs is screened for genetic diseases before being bred. Your email address will not be published. At Premier Pups, our 24-hour on-site staff is always working to help nurture our pups through each step of their upbringing. In addition to this, puppies are kept up to date on all of their age-appropriate and vet-recommended vet appointments, vaccinations, and deworming. So, to help you do that, I did some research and found some of the best Shih Tzu breeders in Wisconsin. The Tibetan temple dogs were given to the Chinese emperors as tribute and were crossed with the Pekingese to produce the Shih Tzus we know today. See all the locations in Wisconsin for this breed. Bobbie Terry lives in a small rural town in Southern Oklahoma USA. All Rights Reserved. You can approach the breeders or visit their website to get your Shih Tzu home. Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, making them a popular choice for therapy dogs. Theyre great for even apartment living as theyre small and dont need too much space for exercise. Dogs are a wonderful source of joy and companionship. Here, at Premier Pups, we align ourselves with the nation's most reputable and responsible breeders to offer you happy and healthy Shih Tzu puppies for adoption near Madison. All Rights Reserved. Shih Tzu Puppies Pictures and Reviews near Kenosha, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Kenosha Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Somers Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Pleasant Prairie Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Winthrop Harbor Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Mount Pleasant Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Sturtevant Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Zion (Township) Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Zion Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Racine Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Benton Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Newport Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Beach Park Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Bristol Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Union Grove Wisconsin, Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale near Waukegan (Township) Illinois, Shih Tzu Puppies for Sale Near Kenosha, WI. For 10 years, the Tokyo Shibuya train station witnessed just how devoted a dog can be to its owner. The breeders here traveled thousands of miles and conducted 14 breeder inspection tours to deliver the best Shih Tzu puppy to their clients. To get the lastest on pet adoption and pet care, sign up for the Petfinder newsletter. Phone:602-402-0922 e-mail: kaityboggs20@gmail.com Hachiko stood unhinged for a decade waiting for his deceased owner Christmas is just around the corner. We specialize in Imperial Shih Tzu ranging from 4-8 lbs with baby doll faces and beautiful coats. More than that, he or she will also show what you can expect from him or her. Read more about me. The breeders main focus is on the dogs health and behavior. Meggys Shih Tzus is a renowned place in Wisconsin to find Shih Tzu puppies. They are known for their long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its beauty. So glad that I searched Puppy Spot website! Some only accept a certain mode of payment. Copyright 2023. The Shih Tzu is a small, playful, and affectionate dog breed that originated in China. They are playful and energetic, which makes them a great companion for all ages. She contacted me when she felt that they had the perfect puppy for me and now I have had Hudson for several months!! Harley (10yrs cream/white) and Peanut (12yrs black/white) are neutered male shih-tzus weighing 14 and 12lbs. Declaws are also usually removed here. Wisconsin is a beautiful place to live, and overall a safe and healthy place for pets. Please check your email and click on the account confirmation to be able to access your account. They are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, making them a popular choice for families and individuals alike. Learn more Transportation Location Price Gender Color Available puppies Certified breeders Glen Y Gors Gagnon Riordan Shih Tzus Randolph, Wisconsin 20 miles away Female Available Reserved Reserved He is very shy upon first meeting people so slow, gfdtjyh bright Shih Tzu puppies ready now. 8 Pros And Cons. A good breeder shows her dogs in recognized conformation shows. Shih Tzus are known for their friendly and outgoing personalities, making them a popular choice for therapy dogs. All Rights Reserved. I found that these breeders are extremely particular about the dogs temperament and train them for it. Find Shih Tzu Puppies for Sale in Wausau, Wisconsin - Premier Pups The entire family of the breeders is involved in breeding, raising, and training purebred and designed puppies. They are state-licensed breeders and focus on small puppies appropriate for families. The name means little lion, and while they sure have big personalities, Shih Tzus are lovers more than a fighters. A discussion of whose. Shih Tzu Rescue of Central WI Schofield, WI view our pets rlasings@aol.com (715) 241-7328 Our Mission We are an all volunteer organization dedicated to saving the lives of Shih Tzu and Shih Tzu mixes. Heres a list of online breeders where you can get your Shih Tzu pup: The American Kennel Club (AKC) has an online marketplace where you can search for the pup that you want. Adopt Shih Tzu Dogs in Wisconsin Filter 23-03-26-00239 Shih Tzu Adoption fee $450 Meet Reba. Shih Tzus are a great choice for people . Way to go, Madison! A good breeder is not in a hurry to send the puppies off and get your money. What Dogs Make the Most Loyal Companions? Beautiful Shih Tzu for almost 30 years as an active breeder and exhibitor. Access the breeders website or contact them for more information. They crave and thrive in the center of attention and are extremely well-behaved with children. Shih Tzus are spunky little charmers with giant eyes and perky tails. 2023 Premier Pups. Dogs are remarkable creatures capable of much more than we give them credit for. Shih Tzu Breeders Servicing and Delivering Puppies to the Oak Creek, Wisconsin Area. You need to have these items available for your pet: Dogs live with a routine, and they are easy to train by having one. The dogs are litter certified and dewormed. Elmo is a 3 old Teddy Bear weighing about 12lbs. Address: W3605 Stoneybrook Rd, Chilton, 53014, WI, USA. Bring out the scented candles, the comfy pillows, and the warm puffy blankets, and join in on the wonderful Christmas spirit. The breed's name "Shih Tzu" means "lion dog" in Chinese, and they were traditionally kept as lapdogs for Chinese royalty. We are dedicated to ensuring that our puppies are bred and raised to the highest standards, with a focus on health and temperament. One more thing. I found that the breeders prefer meeting you in person before you finalize your purchase. The Shih Tzu makes for a perfect loving lap dog, and this makes them a great fit for many families. Thirty-four percent of Wisconsin residents own a dog. Also, if you are the dogs original owner, you can get a Limited Health Guarantee for a year. . Interested in meeting Raven? Shih Tzu dogs and breeders in Canada - CanaDogs Please visit my website for much much more: interviews, much educational breed and Shih Tzu/dog/puppy care information at www.fantasyshihtzu.com I have a love for the breed which has lead me to attain many honored . Looking to adopt a Shih Tzu puppy near Milwaukee, Wisconsin? Small Breed Puppy Adoption | Licensed Breeder | Wisconsin Puppy Patch Here, you can find purebred and designer dogs too. These little souls are pure and sure to impress everyone around them. Address: 2389 Little Rapids Rd, De Pere, 54115, WI, USA. Prices reflect the discounted prices and is automatically applied during checkout. She is currently working toward her graduate degree in trauma-informed family counseling. I highly highly recommend them and will purchase again in the future! Top Pro And Cons Of Owning A Shih Tzu Pitbull Mix, 7 Things You Need To Know About The Shih Tzu Personality, 20 Shih Tzu Breeders in Wisconsin (WI) | Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale, MEGGYS Shih Tzu Puppies | AKC Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale & Shih Tzu Breeders, AKC Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale Madison & Small Dogs For Sale, Renes Wonderful World of Teddy Bear Puppies, Choosing a Good Shih Tzu Seller and Breeder, Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? They View Details No Price Listed Adopt Josie a White Shih Tzu / Mixed Dog in Juneau, WI (31349892) Juneau, WI Breed Shih-Tzu Age N/A Color Biscuit and White The Shih Tzu is a small, playful, and affectionate dog breed that originated in China. Our goal is to raise puppies that are docile, intelligent, and live up to their breeds standards (no over/underbites!). I found that every Shih Tzu from here is vaccinated, dewormed, and gets regular Vet checkups. This Shih Tzu breeder is an AKC breeder of merit, and they are also a member of the American Shih Tzu Club, the Shih Tzu Club of Southeastern Wisconsin, and the Shih Tzu Club of Wisconsins Fox Valley. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. We hope to see them change those last two percentage points soon. The site also lists Harrington Beach State Park and Mazo Beach as popular dog-friendly attractions in the area. They are playful and energetic, which makes them a great companion for all ages. Best Shih Tzu Breeders Oak Creek, Wisconsin - Premier Pups They are a healthy, long-lived breed that adores playing and being part of a family. Required fields are marked *. Add the perfect Shih Tzu puppy to your family today! Shih Tzus from here come with excellent temperament, health, and compatibility. Once you apply, Patricia L. will get back to you about availability, pricing and next steps. family. This Shih Tzu breeder raises all of her dogs out of her home, and she is also a part of the AKCs bred with H.E.A.R.T program. All Rights Reserved. Hi there! Bring out the scented candles, the comfy pillows, and the warm puffy blankets, and join in on the wonderful Christmas spirit. If you are interested in looking into some reviews and testimonials about this breeder then you can view some of them through this breeders Facebook page. Forty-three out of 74 of the animal shelters within Wisconsin are no-kill shelters. All Ma, Paws & Me Pet Rescue dogs are in homes with foster families; we do not, Meet Remi! The Shih Tzu is a small, playful, and affectionate dog breed that originated in China. Looking to adopt a Shih Tzu puppy near Madison, Wisconsin? So, these Shih Tzus make a great addition to every family. An unfortunate little secret is that Shih Tzus have the habit of eating their own stool. I found that these breeders primarily focus on the dogs health, structure, and temperament during their breeding. He or she will also join his or her breed in other breed-related performance events. Find a Shih Tzu for adoption at dog rescues or shelters near Wisconsin. If the name Hachiko rings a bell, then you know what we mean. Nicali Shih Tzu is a reputable breeder of quality AKC Shih Tzu puppies and show dogs located in WI. Im Noah Miller, the above average animal lover. 4. No accidents in the house, slept through the night the very first night and there after! Socialized, small, and healthy Shih Tzus from here are worth every bit of your time. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Glen Y Gord Gagnon Riordan Shih Tzus Breeder Information: Fantasy Shih Tzu breeder is a licensed AKC standard breeder with Champion lines in Wisconsin. Additional Comments for the Shelter/Rescue, Skip carousel of pet photos and or videos, Do Not Sell Or Share My Personal Information. Dossmar Shih Tzu | Kewaskum, WI 53040 15 Shih Tzu Breeders Breeders In Wisconsin (WI) | Moral & Loving Certified As you allow your pet to adjust, do your best to create a stress-free environment for it. Dogs have been mankinds best friends for thousands of years, some of them even making history with their pure devotion to their humans. Top 4 Best Shih Tzu Breeders In Wisconsin (WI) 1 March, 2022 // by Bobbie Terry // Leave a Comment Contents [ hide] 1. A good breeder will show you references, even of people who bought puppies from him or her. Shih Tzus are a great choice for people who live in apartments or have a small living space, as they are a small breed and don't require much room to move around. 21 Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale Near Pleasant Prairie, WI They are known for their long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its beauty. NBSTR is a 501(c)3 organization in the Midwest dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation and. Nicali Shih Tzu in Wisconsin | Shih Tzu puppies | Good Dog document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()). We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. You can choose from an extensive range of purebred and designer puppies from this breeder. - Bev Kindret; owner of Ewok tzu's Holly. Map. Shih Tzus are a great choice for people who live in apartments or have a small living space, as they are a small breed and don't require much room to move around. This is an inline carousel of images and or videos of this pet. I found that all the dogs here are vaccinated on time and dewormed every two weeks. There is a genetic disease guarantee for these puppies. It will save you the time to search each. Shih Tzu Dogs and Puppies From Wisconsin Breeders by DogsNow.com, part of the EquineNow.com, LLC group of websites. I found that all the puppies are raised at home by the breeder who is a Vet too. Harley (10yrs cream/white) and Peanut (12yrs black/white) are neutered male shih-tzus weighing 14 and 12lbs. You can also watch for stories, pictures and videos about me on our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/40103261297/ Ask to meet me today!! The discounts offered at this time are not applicable towards past purchases or pending balances. Phone: (262) 800-8056. He is looking for a lap. Shih Tzu Breeder. You'll be asked to provide information about yourself and what you are looking for so the breeder can help you find the right match. Puppies.com will help you find your perfect Shih Tzu puppy for sale in Pleasant Prairie, WI. If youre looking to adopt a Shih Tzu puppy near Madison, Wisconsin, Premier Pups is the way to go. I am so impressed with their skills and the way that they handle their furry family members!! Adopt a Pet is North Americas Largest Non-Profit Pet Adoption Website.In it, you can find both Shih Tzu Pups and adults that are near you. Along with regular brushing, youll need to trim their nails and check for the occasional hair growing in the ear canal. All new puppy owners receive a written health guarantee. Meggy's Shih Tzu Puppies For Sale & AKC Shih Tzu Breeders, Madison, WI They are also very adaptable to different living environments, making them a great pet for both city and country dwellers. Working dogs! The mere sight of a happy little puppy playing chaotically with its tiny paws jumping from side to side and its precious ears flopping in the wind is enough to lower your blood pressure and bring you a sense of calm joy. We breed Shih Tzus with rare coat colours such as chocolate, solid black, brindle, brindle and white, cream/orange liver and more! The percentage of no-kill shelters is average, but the state has an above-average save rate of 88%. Our Shih Tzus are raised with passion and care by our dedicated and loving staff members. Shih Tzu puppies for sale in Wisconsin from trusted breeders | Good Dog For more information about the breeder, you can contact them or check their official website. We live in Rice Lake and Menomonie, Wisconsin and ship out of the MSP airport in Minnesota with a pet nanny. Replace your regular coffee mugs with Christmas-themed ones and make sure to update your carol playlist. Shih-Tzu Age N/A Color Black Gender Male Welcome Harley and Peanut to Lucky Dog!! This means that the puppies are socialized to a variety of environments and stimuli. Specializing in solid/semi-solid livers. Top 14 Best Shih Tzu Breeders In Texas (TX), Top 9 Best Shih Tzu Breeders In Michigan (MI), Top 14 Best Dachshund Breeders in Michigan (MI), Top 12 Best Dachshund Breeders in Colorado (CO), Top 10 Best Dachshund Breeders in Illinois (IL), The Dorgi A Dachshund Corgi Mix Good Enough for Royalty. One more thing. A good breeder will tell you any significant health problems in any of the dogs he or she bred. They are known for their long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its beauty. In order to proceed, please check the box below the notes! If the name Hachiko rings a bell, then you know what we mean. Adoption Policy Adoption applications are available on our website. The Sponsor a Pet program is handled by The Petfinder Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to ensure that shelters and rescue groups receive donations in the easiest way possible. The STCSEW was the first Shih Tzu Club in Wisconsin and is a local Shih Tzu specialty club offering one or more annual AKC licensed Specialty shows, AKC Sanctioned "B" Match and information about the Shih Tzu to the general public. They are known for their long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to maintain its beauty. Click here to sign up. A good breeder will never send a puppy in a compartment and without any responsible person to go with it. You can lock your favorite puppy by paying a non-refundable deposit to the breeder. You can approach the breeders or email them if you need more information. 24/7 customer support is available with knowledgeable Puppy Agents on standby ready to answer any questions about our adopted Shih Tzu puppies. In addition to their adorable appearance and friendly personalities, Shih Tzus are also known for their loyalty and devotion to their owners. Please click OK below and a new tab will open where you can sponsor a pets care. Shih Tzus are truly a joy to have as a pet and they are sure to bring a smile to your face every day. To back up our Premier Promise, we offer a 10-year health guarantee for all our Shih Tzu puppies. Address: 2661 S Howell Ave. Milwaukee, 53207, WI, USA. Right now, the breeders dont ship the puppies but you can get them delivered until a certain distance. This breeder prides themself in bringing healthy, happy, and loving Shih Tzus into the world. Our Shih Tzus are raised with passion and care by our dedicated and loving staff members. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. You should still do your own due diligence with these, call and ask questions, read online reviews, etc. Dachworld.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. They are current on all shots potty trained AKC, Meet Raven! Prices reflect the discounted prices and is automatically applied during checkout. The discounts offered at this time are not applicable towards past purchases or pending balances. Holly just turned 5 months and her Vet says she is a healthy, happy puppy. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. For this reason, make a schedule of the things you need to do regularly. Information. The puppies are microchipped and vaccinated on time. Another home-based Shih Tzu breeder in Wisconsin is Spring Green Pups. The owners here have been breeding Shih Tzu dogs since 2005 and have excellent knowledge about the breed. Searched the Puppy Spot website and fell in love with this puppy. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The breeders Ive listed above are all licensed and breed puppies of the highest quality. 8 Top Shih Tzu Breeders in Wisconsin: Prices of Their Puppies. For out-of-state customers, we also offer several nationwide delivery options. Shih Tzu Rescue Wisconsin (Adopting A Shih Tzu Near You) Shih Tzus are small and fluffy, and ideal for naps on laps. Hachiko was an Akita that made history and showed us all how powerful a dogs loyalty can be. We strive to raise a sweet family dog with no health problems. At Premier Pups, we take great pride in producing high-quality Shih Tzu puppies. They are also great for families with children, as they are patient and friendly with kids. Featured Listings. At our place, we also feed them a mixture of high-quality foods. 24/7 customer support is available with knowledgeable Puppy Agents on standby ready to answer any questions about our adopted Shih Tzu puppies. Remi and Raven are a bonded pair. Shih Tzu Breeders in Wisconsin Kaitlyn Boggs Breeder Location City: Pittsville, Wisconsin Breeder Zip Code: 54466 Puppy Price: $1800 Number of puppies available at time of publication: 1 puppies available. So, better visit the breeders place and verify the puppies before making the payment. Of course, all of the puppies from this breeder are kept up to date on their vaccinations and deworming as is deemed age-appropriate and recommended by a vet. Your email address will not be published. Welcome Elmo (Chinese name En Ko) to Lucky Dog Rescue. When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, and riding her classic cruiser-style motorcycles. We value creating diversity and fostering the best characteristics of the Shih Tzu breed. Thank you". New Beginnings Shih Tzu Rescue | Oak Creek WI - Facebook Pawsafe is an animal advocacy group that helps pet-lovers evaluate the best places to live. They were bred as a companion dog, and they love nothing more than meeting new friends. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. - Kristie Moore; owner of Ewok tzu's Hudson and Marrison. The state did not score well for its animal welfare laws related to abuse, neglect, fighting, or pet care standards.

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shih tzu puppy breeders in wisconsin

shih tzu puppy breeders in wisconsin

shih tzu puppy breeders in wisconsin

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